Aaaaaand I failed to post Friday. Cool. I'm so awesome. I wonder what David Hasselhoff thinks of that.
I've been waiting to use this...
That's okay. We'll just let bygones be bygones, right? So, music. The other day, I found a pretty awesome video. Well, a friend found it, and shared it with me. Just so you have some context, this friend is a major brony. If you know anything about MLP: FIM, you'll know that Rainbow Dash is the best. She's such a hardass. (I'm not a brony. I'm a girl, after all. It's okay for me to have these opinions.) That said, I present to you this amazing video:
Since I watched this video, I've been playing that song on Grooveshark nonstop. I actually prefer a different version than what's in the MLP video, which you can find here. I'd post that video here, too, but Rainbow Dash told me not to.
Does anyone recognize this name? Anyone remember him? No, you probably don't. I'd forgotten about him until today, because he doesn't do anything anymore. He barely did anything to start with. He's so out of the game that he lives in Cleveland, Ohio.
However, he was once semi-famous amongst tween girls, and he's cute, so he's fair game here. His claim to "fame" is the role of douchebag Logan Reese, from Zoey 101. I was 12 when the show started, so it was targeted at girls just like me. Yay, I feel so special! Right, there's a guy being talked about here. ya go.
I suddenly feel rather...predictable.
That's the type of belly I want to rub. >_>
Really, pictures don't capture his whole onscreen persona. You've got to see him in action. Unfortunately, tween girls really suck at uploading quality videos to YouTube, so there's not really anything to see. If you happen to be watching Nick in the middle of the day, you might get lucky and catch a Zoey 101 marathon, like my siblings and I did today. Otherwise...just trust me on this one, okay?
t.A.T.u. was a Russian duo. Luckily for me, a lot of their music is available in English (Russian isn't very high on my list of languages to learn). I feel the need to explain the name, since it kinda looks like I can't type very well. The random case changes are correct; apparently there was another Russian band called Tatu, so instead of getting a more original name they decided to go mental with what they already had.
Another interesting tidbit about this duo: they act(ed) like lesbians. There are album covers that feature these women kissing. The guy who started the project essentially wanted big scandals, so he made it seem like the girls were together. Neither was a lesbian. Interesting? Yes, it is.
Anywho, I originally heard this song in English. My roommate/bestie has the tendency to find strange music, get hooked on it, and blast it constantly. Soon I was hooked, too. This English version is what I have on my iPod, since it's easier to sing along to.
After watching that, you'll get the general idea of the song, which is helpful when you're trying to decipher the original version. I found a more literal translation, but it's a bit jumbled. Now, I know absolutely zero Russian (unless "vodka" counts), so I only have translations for reference. I've seen native Russian speakers online who say that the English version doesn't do justice to the actual meaning of the song. Is that true? I really have no way of knowing. I do know, though, that I enjoy the "real" song better.
Oh, and you may want to ignore the words on this next video. They can be difficult to read anyway, because they're in white font over that pale chick. It's an attempt to translate, but since those words aren't what you're hearing, it can really confuse you. Or maybe that's just me. Besides, who wants to see "Gay boy, boy, boy, boy, gay boy" while rocking out?
Also, check out this other song by the same duo. This post is supposed to focus on just one song, so I'll control myself and refrain from posting the video. You only get the link. But really, go listen.
I realize that it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Well, almost two weeks, which seems like a long time. In the blogosphere (I promised myself I'd never use that term...) it's an eternity. Let's just leave it at this: I have not been giving my blog the attention it needs.
I have excuses. Really, I do. I've been traveling. True, that didn't stop me during the cruise, because I used the nifty scheduled posting feature. But then there was Christmas, and then my entire extended family was visiting. Then I went to visit my, you see, there was no time to post anything, scheduled or not.
The final decision here is to pretend that the last two-ish weeks never happened, and that I never missed posting. This will let me stay sane. Over the next week, I'll hopefully catch you all (meaning, the ghosts that I'm blogging for; I highly doubt I have any regular readers) up on my travels and whatnot. And of course I'll get back to the theme days. Just...give me a break, 'kay? Thanks.