To continue on Monday's theme-within-a-theme, I wanted to do another theme for today. At the moment, Mondays and Wednesdays include an hour-long block of me sitting in a library with nothing to do. This seems to be a perfect time to write inane blog posts. Obviously, since Monday has an alliterative theme, Wednesday should, too. So, what would I want to blog about? Music - done. guys! I like hot guys. Of course, I had to make it into a semi-descriptive word/phrase starting with the letter W. Thus, "Wow-You're-Hot."
The guys featured here won't be just any guys. These are celebrities, which means they're rich in addition to being hot. Now, since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there may (probably will) be some guys featured that you find not-hot, or just plain unattractive. Deal with it. It's my blog.
Where do I find these men? I never forget a hot face. Once someone in a movie, on tv, or in some online feature catches my eye, I always remember him. For easy access, I have a list saved onto my computer of 29 cute celebrities. That's not even a year's worth if I do one a week, but don't worry. There are always new faces out there.
I'll just go down the list, which is in absolutely no order whatsoever. So, without further ado, here's the first Wednesday feature:
Oh...hello. |
Stephen Colbert, everyone. (The t is silent. For real.) In case you aren't familiar with him and are too lazy to Google, he's the host of the Colbert Report (again, silent t), a late-night "talk show" on Comedy Central. His character is an extreme right-wing...well, nut. Strangely enough, some of his most devoted viewers are the ones he's making fun of. He's that convincing.
He's funny, he's intelligent, he's a great speaker. Oh, and he's hot. Don't forget that. Those eyes. That smile. I also love his hair. I love it so much that one of my life's goals is to touch that hair. When he shaved his head, I wanted to die. He's like Samson -- nothing without his locks.
I watch the Report every night it's on. It's like a pilgrimage of sorts, except with less movement and more eye strain. In fact, I'm writing this while waiting for the show to come on. Only 8 minutes...with that said, I think it's time to wrap this up. I hardly did the man justice, but words simply cannot describe some things. I'll leave you with more pictures instead. There are captions only because I have a hard time keeping my thoughts to myself.
His right ear was damaged. It makes him more human! D: |
Get rid of the flag and we'll be okay. |
Again...that hair. I want it for myself. |
He was young once? Apparently, he was
going through a "phase." |
He has a serious side! =D |
A close-up of the above pic, but with truthiness added in. |
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