Dec 9, 2011

Fix It Friday: Periods

     Let me start by saying I'm not pissy right now. My uterus is just shedding its internal wall and blood is coursing out of my body. It's just a bit of excruciating pain. What's there to be pissy about? I will murder all of your unborn children if you so much as look at me funny.

     I usually try to reduce the agony by forcing myself to think. It doesn't matter what I think about, as long as it takes a great deal of brain power. Today, I decided that life would be easier if periods only happened once a year. Scientists, start taking notes.

     Instead of a one-month cycle, the menstrual process will be lengthened to a 12-month cycle, using fancy science. C'mon, if they can make pigs glow, they can do this. It just takes a bit of genetic manipulation. Maybe introduce some cat genes? They have fewer "periods" than humans. It's a start.

     Anyway, if this is done, women everywhere will be elated. Of course, it would make it harder to detect pregnancy early on, but so? Less periods. It's a great thing.

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