Dec 7, 2011

Wow-You're-Hot Wednesday: Matthew Morrison

     When Glee started, I watched pretty religiously. After the first two seasons, though, I no longer had the time or the interest to watch every episode. The only thing preventing me from watching an episode here and there is that, without watching everything leading up to it, I feel that I don't have the full backstory. Sure, there's a high-speed "Here's what happened." but it's not enough for me. As such, I haven't seen an episode of Glee in a long time, and I have no idea what's going on in that world.

     Oh well. Mr. Schue is still hot. See, this plays really well into my...uh, "thing" for teachers. Not only are teachers automatically older, they've also got authority, and they can be quite intelligent. Also, while I watched Glee, this character went through some emotional crap. His wife was a controlling psycho who ended up faking a pregnancy to stay with him. That made his face look like this:

Sadface :(

     Morrison was also featured in Details magazine last December. They got him shirtless (not like that seems to be a difficult task). Yummy!

     Of course, when he gets shirtless on his own (that is, without magazine people) things can get odd...

I don't even...

     Here are some more pictures. Also, a word to the wise: don't ever look up TV tropes. You'll get pulled into the site and will never be able to leave. I'm not linking to it. It's for your own good.

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