Nov 23, 2011

Wow-You're-Hot Wednesday: George Clooney

     This man is the poster child for hot older guys. By now there are multiple generations of women who find him attractive, and rightly so. I means, look at him!

     If you read any of my other WYH Wednesday posts, you'll know that I have a serious thing for older guys. Clooney is 50 years old. Yes, that will do nicely...I mean, uh, whatever. He's pretty funny, too. That's always a good, sexy quality for a guy to have. And he's rather involved in the humanitarian sector. Give the man another point.

     Now, when I started browsing for pictures, I realized that they're all kind of the same. He's so photogenic that he barely changes between photos. So I picked out a few pictures, but if you want more Clooney goodness, you can find it here.

     Today's post is rather hurried, as I'm in the library waiting for my beau. He's just home from his college (two hours away) and we're celebrating my birthday (which was yesterday). Do I feel bad drooling over attractive guys right now? A bit. That can be easily solved with the Sexiest Man Alive issue of People magazine, though. 70 pages of guys! I'm sure I'll get a few more names to add to my list.

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